Bucks County Septic Installers:
Everything that you need to know:
Some homes have drainage systems that funnel out into the sewers meant for the general public. However, if you don’t rely on a public sewer system, you probably have your own system to get rid of the wastewater. The type of Septic tanks for homes you need will depend on the conditions of the site and the soil. After conducting a thorough inspection of the installation location, the service providers will tell you whether you’ll benefit from a sand filter, mound, or pressure distribution septic system. Now, the bet way to maintain an existing septic system is to opt for inspection services frequently - every three years, to be precise.
Septic System Maintenance
There are a few tips, tricks, and maintenance suggestions Bucks County homeowners can take to get the most out of their septic system.
- Regular Pumping - Some homeowners believe that their sewage systems aren’t always active, but they’re wrong. It keeps doing what it should, even when you aren’t flushing wastewater out. The septic system breaks down the waste and drains the same waste into the leach field. Regardless of its maintenance history, input load, chemical usage for cleaning purposes, septic tanks need thorough pumping at least once every three years. A professional septic service is the only one who can do this for you, so be sure to schedule it!
- Don’t Flush Wipes - Wipes of any kind are bad for a septic system. They may say they are safe for septic, but think again. You may go into a public bathroom and read signs everywhere in the stalls that warn you against flushing wipes or other debris. This is because they can actually cause a backup in the pipes. Now, imagine what they can do to the pipes in your home or in the septic tank itself. If you do not believe this warning, YouTube information about wipes in septic. But, warning, you should have a strong stomach to watch these!
- Use The Trash Can - Think before putting any trash into the toilet to get rid of. If it is trash, it belongs in the trash can. No matter how small. The septic system is designed to deal with wastewater, that’s it. It breaks down organic matter, nothing more. Save yourself the headache and put it in the trash can!
- Dish Washing - Although many people use a dishwasher, not everyone does. If you are washing your dishes by hand, consider scraping the majority of the food off of your dishes before washing them in the sink. If too much food, detergent, and other particles get into the septic system, it can cause an imbalance in the bacteria in the septic system and it will not function optimally.
- No Bleach or Chlorine - Bleach and chlorine possess antibacterial properties. While you’re always tempted to get rid of bacteria, you should avoid dropping these two chemicals down the drain as they will destroy the microorganisms present inside the septic tank. The bacteria inside the sewage lines are in charge of breaking down the waste.
- Save Water - Whether it’s about improving the performance standards of a septic system or reducing utility bills, you can fulfuill both objectives and more if you save water. If you reduce the amount of water you send down the drain, you’ll benefit from it significantly. Using too much water will cause blockages and overflowing. As a result, you’ll need to pump your septic system more frequently.
- Plants - There are a few plant species, such as South African trees that are perfectly safe for all septic systems. They also use water wisely. They have the power to regulate moisture present underground and even reduce the possibilities of soil erosion. Speak to a gardening expert at your local gardening center for advice.
- Never Pressurize - Never leave heavy objects on your septic system. This includes vehicles, outdoor furniture, gardening equipment, and garden sheds. Septic systems may not be all that pretty to look at and your might be tempted to cover it up, but this can cause a malfunction in the system, so try to avoid doing so.
- Landscaping - Although placing things on top of your system is not advised, you can call your local Bucks County Landscaper to figure out a way to make it look a little nicer. Strategically placed bushes and flowers can be used to hide the system from the street. But keep in mind that the system will need to be pumped regularly so you want to make it easier for the septic system company to do what they need to do without ruining your landscaping.
- Low-Flow Fixtures - There is a program launched by the EPA called WaterSEnse. It helps consumers seek out energy-efficient plumbing products and fixtures. Whenever you install a new septic system, you should also upgrade old toilets to low-flow variants. If possible, you should change the faucets and showerheads too.
- Look For Leaks - A lot of people don’t pay attention to a faucet dripping slowly or a runny toilet. They think these problems are profound enough, but these individuals aren’t aware that these leaks can add around 10 gallons of extra water to their septic tanks every day. The process of repairing leaky faucets or getting them replaced entirely is quite simple. Dealers of the best septic tanks for homes can guide you to a trustworthy and experienced plumber to get the problem looked at and fixed.
- Outdoor Water Usage - Of course, most of the water you use outdoors won’t end up inside your septic tank. Nevertheless, it is crucial to avoid over-saturating the are that absorbs the water of the septic system to ensure that it can treat and drain the wastewater coming from your property.
These are just a few strategies you can follow to ensure your septic tank performs as it should. It will also ensure your sewage system remains in top-notch condition at all times. You’ll even be able to reduce water usage, which is especially important. After all, it is an indescribably important resource required by humanity to survive. Besides, reducing water usage will also help you save money. Be sure to contact one of the Bucks County Septic System companies listed here whenever you need maintenance, repair, or replacement services.